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Faster, simpler, easier.

October 3, 2007

I was asked this morning why I love Close To My Heart.  I started gushing like a woman in love and when I stopped to think about it, I really am!  I love how it is so easy to create when everything is perfectly coordinated already.  I love how no matter what I use that I can match colors to it perfectly – whether it is cardstock or ribbon – from my CTMH stash.  I confess that I do tend to hoard my CTMH supplies for my own use – and I pretty much only give away things that use non-CTMH items, lol.  My CTMH products are my treasures.  I guess that means I’m selfish and I don’t want to be, I just really, really, like the stuff!  I don’t think I could ever put into words adequately just how much I connect to my CTMH products without sounding like an idiot.  The clean, coordinated, classic style is about more than just stamps, papers, and inks.  It’s about style, about creativity, about possibilities.  I can sand and distress and go shabby chic, I can go monochromatic, I can perfectly color coordinate if I color-block…and I could ramble on and on.  I think you have to actually sit down with the items and touch them, smell them, feel them to be as in love as I am.  Yes, I use products from everywhere (well, not everywhere, some of them I just don’t like) but my true love, my never-fail-to-always-make-me-happy things are from CTMH.  Plus, I really like the company and the people.  I also just like creating faster, simpler, and easier.  I realize that I don’t show you all even 10% of the things I create with CTMH…but that’s usually b/c they were so easy to make that it feels like cheating – anyone could do it if they had the same products.  Also, if you know me, you know I’m not a CTMH Consultant for the money – I’m all about sharing the love.  Maybe I should start a specific CTMH blog day…and just show you, fast & easy or not.  Hmmmm…..I think I will!  From now on, I’m going to have CTMHW – Close To My Heart Wednesdays.  Check back later, I have to go scan some things!

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